Friday, December 20, 2013


Winter MAPs testing is over. The 6th graders have a 2014 Caulll nominee checked out. And everyone is enjoying a pre-Winter Break Special Event this afternoon. Now is the time to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season. See you in the New Year.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Today the 6th grade ELA classes were scheduled to visit the IMC for my book talk on the 2014 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award nominees. I had planned to have student assistants work the reveal boxes on the Mimio display as I presented each book with information on the main characters, story summary, genres, and book cover. Then students would select their first Caudill nominee for their next book report. Unfortunately when I went to set up the equipment this morning, the laptop computer would not connect to the LCD projector. That meant I had to move the presentation to the classrooms where I had not tried the equipment. The presentation went on but without the student assistant part since the classroom Mimio setups had their own problems. So I got the reveal job. Fortunately the nominees this year were so good that the students got very excited about the choices and stayed focus through the entire book talk. The rush to check out showed their enthusiasm for the books. The students will need to read or listen to at least three nominated books to be eligible to vote in February. Voting will be done on computer using the library automation voting program. With such great books this year it may be difficult for one book to rise to the top here at Lakeview and across the state of Illinois. For a complete list of the 2014 nominees use the following Internet link:

Friday, December 6, 2013


It's time once again to introduce the 6th grade to the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award and the 20 nominees for 2014. On Friday, December 13th, the 6th grade ELA classes will come to the IMC for a presentation including how the Caudill program works, a book talk of the nominees, and how to make your own reserves online. Having just finished reading all 20 nominees, I have to say that this is another list of great books. From fantasy to realistic fiction to historical fiction and a few nonfiction titles as well, there is something for everyone. In order to be eligible to vote in this statewide program, 6th grade students will choose books for their next three book reports from the 2014 Caudill nominee list. They will also take an online quiz for each book report. The Master List of nominees can be found at

Friday, November 15, 2013


This has been an exciting week in the IMC. 6th and 7th grade ELA classes came to the IMC for book check related to their currents units. 6th grade is studying literature related to Family Ties and 7th grade is studying the theme of Respect and Tolerance. For the new ELA units I am preparing bibliographies of IMC materials that support and extend the unit themes. Gathering materials to support curriculum is one of the best parts of being a school librarian. I get the opportunity to use my extensive background in young adult literature and share that with the students. It's like finding the right piece of the puzzle to complete the picture. Since some of the ELA units are brand new, I now have a better idea of what kinds of books to purchase. But some of the units are related to classroom novels that have been used in the past for which I already have a bibliography in place. Then it's just a matter of updating and fine tuning. I tell the students and teachers that these bibliographies are works in progress since our collection is always growing.

Friday, October 25, 2013


The IMC celebrates Halloween with three special events. First, the Halloween Trivia Contest runs through October 31st. Answer trivia questions from the bin in the IMC. There are 52 different questions. Answers do not have to be incomplete sentences. Bring your answers to Miss Hagensee. Each correct answer earns a prize from the witch's cauldron on Miss Hagensee's desk. All answers are based on information found in World Book Online.

Second, in honor of its 75th anniversary of , come listen to Orson Welles's War of the Worlds radio broadcast during study on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday, October 31st. The hour-long broadcast is divided into 2 parts so listeners can hear the entire story. Passes for both days are available from Miss Hagensee.

Finally, the 6th grade ELA classes will enjoy a spooky story from Patrick Carman's 3:15 Things That Go Bump in the Night. The story begins with an online audio introduction, followed by the story read aloud by Miss Hagensee, and concluded with an online video ending to finish the story.

Visitors are welcome to join in any of these events. Interested guests may e-mail Miss Hagensee at for specific times. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 4, 2013


Please care good care of the laptops. This week Mr. Hummel check all the laptops for missing key caps. He ordered a lot of replacements! AND he replaced all the missing key caps. The laptops are now as good as new...but they won't stay that way if you don't take good care of them. If you see someone messing with the laptops, please remind the student about taking good care of the laptops. If that doesn't work, please tell a teacher. Since Lakeview started buying laptops, there have been some serious problems. Several laptops have been dropped or slipped on a desk causing the monitor screens to break. This is not a cheap repair. Also the IMC staff has often found laptops in the carts that have not been shut down and powered off properly and are still running. The heat from operating laptops can build up in the traveling carts which worries the librarians about the possibility of a fire. All of Lakeview depends on each student using the laptops properly and with special care so that they are ready to use whenever a teacher signs them out. Please help keep our laptops running!

Friday, September 27, 2013


You need a library card to check out materials from the Lakeview IMC. Fortunately the IMC staff has added your library barcode to the back of your student ID card. So now your student ID card is also your library card. Be sure to bring your student ID card with you whenever you come to the IMC. You never know when an IMC book will catch your eye and you will want to check it out.
ID cards have been delivered to ELA classes for all students who had their school picture taken already. Picture retakes are this coming Monday, September 30th. When those student ID cards are delivered in about 2-3 weeks, the IMC staff will add library barcodes for these new ID cards. If you do not get a school picture taken, please see Mrs. Wilson about getting a library card to use.

If you ever lose your ID/library card, stop by in the IMC and ask if we found it or it was returned to us. The IMC staff often has a collection of ID cards that were found.

Friday, September 20, 2013


It has been a satisfying week operating as a library again. We are open before school now Tuesday through Friday at 7:35 AM until the start of first period. Students just need to get a an IMC Before School pass from the gym. They sign in at the main IMC desk and go about their library business. They can use the computers for school work, study for a test, check their math homework with a friend (No copying allowed!), check out a book, read a daily newspaper (We get the Tribune, Sun-Times, and USA Today.), and so on. There are total of 40 passes for the morning crowd. If a student finishes early, they are asked to take a pass to the gym and let someone else have a turn in the IMC. Maybe it is the pressure of being prepared to the day's classes, but I would say the students who use the IMC before school are the most focused visitors we have all day.

The biggest question this week has been "Are the ID cards ready yet?" The answer is almost. Mrs. Wilson has been working very hard this week to print and attach the library barcode to the back of each ID card so students can use their ID card to check out books. She is almost finished. ID cards should be distributed early next week through the ELA classes.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Beginning Monday, September 16th the IMC is a library again and open for full service. Well, almost back because the IMC is closed on Monday at study for Aimsweb make-up tests and closed Wednesday before school for the monthly IMC Staff meeting. But other than those two days we are ready to be a library and not a testing center again.

This past week even with testing continuing all grades came to the IMC in the ELA classes for IMC Orientation and first book check-out. It was fun to see the students eager select books for their first book report sharing favorites with their friends.

Reservations to use the IMC are slow right now, but I know things will pick up very soon now that we are back in the library business. Next week 7th grade ELA (English/Language Arts) has reserved the IMC computers for Thursday. 7th grade Social Studies continues to use the laptop for their Quest Project.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Welcome back after what I hope was a great summer vacation. The IMC has a late opening this year because of the testing -- MAPs and Aimsweb -- that are taking place during the weeks of September 3rd and 9th. Fortunately we were able to find three days next week so that all grades can come to the IMC for book check-out. 8th grade will be in Monday, 6th grade on Wednesday, and 7th grade on Friday. I will present a short IMC orientation program (review for 7th and 8th grade). Then I will book talk several books that fit the theme your teachers have given me. Then you have the opportunity to make your selection for your first book report of the year. After you find, have approved, and check out your book report book, you are welcome to select other books that you have been waiting to read.
There is still time to turn in Reading Logs of your summer reading and get prizes. With the delayed IMC opening, I couldn't hold to the day after Labor Day due date. But September 13th is the absolute last turn in day.
We would also like you to return any summer checkouts before we have to print overdue notices. Please check carefully at home that you didn't forget to return any.

I look forward to seeing all of you next week. The IMC will open for full service on Monday, September 16th.

Friday, May 31, 2013


The Lakeview Summer Reading Program is very simple. Just keep a reading log of everything you read over the summer that is longer than a cereal box. It could be books that you get from anywhere (a friend, a public library, a bookstore, or even Lakeview) OR it could be a magazine article OR it could be a comic book or graphic novel. Whatever you read, record on the reading log. Extra pages may be printed from the Lakeview Library webpage. Turn your Reading Log into Miss Hagensee by September 3rd and you automatically get a special bookmark. Then after a private consultation with Miss Hagensee, more prizes will be awarded, including raffle tickets for some very nice book-related prizes. It's easy! It's fun! And you win prizes. What a great way to add to your summer fun.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Next week I start talking to grades 5, 6 and 7 about our Summer Reading Program - Catch the Reading Bug. Knowing that everyone wants time for summer fun, I keep the program simple. Just fill out a Reading Log of everything you read over the summer that's longer than a cereal box. Create your own rating system. Use stars or ice cream cones or bugs to describe how well you liked the book. Turn in your reading log when you come back to school by the day after Labor Day and win prizes. It's easy! All information and form will be available on the Lakeview Library webpage beginning June 1st.
To help students get started, everyone is invited to check out up to 5 paperback books for the entire summer!. These books are not due until September 3rd (the day after Labor Day). The IMC has a huge paperback collection due to many donations and to our participation in the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award Program. There are many multiple copy titles, so friends can enjoy the same book and discuss it over the summer. If students want to return books early, there will be a box between the front doors. When I come in during the summer I will check in any returned books so they will be off the student's record. This is a great way to enjoy books missed during the school year and keep reading. Sooooooo CATCH THE READING BUG and have a fun-filled summer!

Friday, May 17, 2013


On Monday 6th grade Language Arts finishes its last day in the IMC preparing for their demonstration speeches. The outline and bibliography (done in NoodleTools) are the last pieces before students begin giving their speeches. Also next week 8th grade Social Studies comes to the IMC to use computers on Tuesday, followed by Spanish classes Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Reminder to all students that all IMC materials are due back on Tuesday, May 28th. If you need your book longer than that for a book report, please let a librarian know. Then return your book as soon as your book report is finished. Thank you.

Friday, May 10, 2013


This past week the 6th grade Language Arts classes began research for their demonstration speeches. As this is their first major research project, I presented a different resource each day to help them build their "road to research." We started on Monday with World Book Online because an encyclopedia give a good overview of a topic. On Tuesday we looked at books from the IMC collection using the I.P.A.C. and its "book bag" to get a list of possibilities. Wednesday brought us to the Gale Virtual Reference Library, a huge database of reference books that DGS shares with the feeder junior high schools. On Thursday I introduced EBSCOHost, one of two magazine/newspaper database subscriptions we have at Lakeview. Finally on Friday, I told the 6th graders that they were ready for Internet searching and suggested that reliable websites could be found in World Book Online and in the bibliographies of many books in the IMC collection. If students follow my "Road Map for Research," they will find that they will have more than enough notes and sources for their project.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Next week the IMC is closed for MAP testing, the last round for this year. The IMC will not be open before school or during study all week. There are a few periods on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday when the IMC will be open because there are no MAP tests during those periods. Please check the sign on the IMC door each day for openings and closings.

Because of the testing next week, I think almost every Reading class come to the IMC today to get a book report book. Fortunately we have a lot great suggestions for students. I saw many excellent choices being checked out.

Friday, April 19, 2013


This past week the IMC and the Computer Lab have been utilized for research. 8th grade Language Arts students are investigating the 1960s for their upcoming debates. 7th grade LA Advanced classes are researching controversial topics for persuasive speeches. 7th grade regular LA classes are delving into the world of careers for their speeches. Next week sees IMC computer use by 7th grade LA advanced, 6th grade Social Studies, Consumer Education, and 6th grade regular LA classes.

Heads up -- the Spring MAPS testing will take place from April 29th through May 10. There is a new schedule being piloted this time so only the IMC computers and the Computer Lab are being used. Students will have 2 periods for each test. Hopefully this will reduce the number of students who must be taken from other classes to finish or make up these important tests.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Coming back from Spring Break, the IMC has been a beehive of activity. Every grade level has been in the IMC this week checking out a book report book. I have given book talks on Accelerated Reader fiction for 6th grade Advanced and 7th grade, on fiction about people with disabilities for the rest of 6th grade, and books about or from the 1960s for 8th grade. In addition I presented an introduction to research for the 7th grade advanced Persuasive essay project.
Next week I have an introduction to research on the Sixties Debate topics for 8th grade and another presentation on Career Research materials for the regular 7th grade classes. Also Miss Trefonas's 5th graders will be visiting as well. So even though it is a very short week (only 3 days) the IMC will be busy. On Monday there will be a lunchtime party for the 3rd quarter IMC Club members with the IMC providing an ice cream dessert.

Friday, March 22, 2013


It time for everyone to take a step back and enjoy Spring Break next week. When we come back April 2nd, there is a flurry of activity. 7th grade regular Reading classes are selecting any Fiction book for their next book report. I plan to do a book talk of some of our newest Fiction. 6th grade Reading classes are selecting Fiction books about people with disabilities. I will do a book talk to help with their selection. On the Research side, advanced 7th grade classes will start researching information about a controversial topic and I will introduce them to the many resources we have in print and online. This is the first fo several research projects starting after break.

Friday, March 15, 2013


This past week was busy with all the activities I mentioned in last week's blog. The greatest surprise of the week was during Miss Trefonas's class visit. As I was showing her students a number of Chinese and Chinese American fiction books to fit in with her China project, one girl jumped up excitedly at Millicent Min-Girl Genius by Laurence Yep. It turns out that she had read that book and its companion, Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time and loved them. That certainly got all the other students and Miss Trefonas excited about the books, too.

Looking to next week, the week before Spring Break, things are less hectic. IMC computers are reserved for 8th grade Science on Tuesday and for the regular 6th grade Language Arts classes on Wednesday and Thursday. Reference Tables are reserved for 6th grade Music on Monday to finish up their Composer Project. And on Friday Mrs. Boyer's 7th grade Language Arts classes are coming for a book talk and book checkout. Since Mrs Boyer is assigning a free choice fiction book, I will be highlighting new additions to the IMC collection in my book talk.

The highlight of the week for the entire district IMC staff was our presentation to the School Board Tuesday night. Using a PowerPoint slide show we showed the Board some of the wonderful things we have been able to do for and with the students of Center Cass District now that the libraries are fully staffed. It was a Thank You to the Board members for approving the increased staffing last school year. I am very proud of my team both in PowerPoint show that we created and in the work they have done this year.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Now that the majority of ISAT testing is done (Only makeups for absent students is left.), the IMC schedule is returning to normal. While this past week was quiet due to the testing schedule and we did get some time to work on new books, next week shows more normal usage. The IMC computers will be shared by 6th grade Music, Consumer Ed., and 6th grade Advanced Reading. I will be giving book talks to the regular 8th grade LA classes on Holocaust books for their Diary of Anne Frank unit and on Chinese culture fiction books to our 5th grade visitors from Miss Trefonas's class.

Friday, March 1, 2013


This has been the busiest week in the IMC so far this year. The computers were in use everyday and nearly every period. Almost every Reading class come in for book checkout. I have done book talks on Accelerated Reader fiction books, Biographies and autobiographies, and themes for Romeo and Juliet. 
The 6th grade voted online through the I.P.A.C. for the 2013 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award. By the way, the winner here at Lakeview was Smile by Rayna Telgemeier. Second place went to Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper, and in third place was Dark Life by Kat Falls. I sent all of Lakeview's results to the state committee for tabulation. By mid-March we should hear which book is the official winner.

Next week will be much calmer since the students are taking the ISAT tests. Perhaps Mrs. Wilson and I will have time to work on new books again.

Friday, February 22, 2013


The 8th grade projects have wrapped up their IMC use and now the other grades return. On Monday 6th grade Social Studies is using IMC computers and Reference tables while the advanced 7th grade Reading classes are coming for a booktalk and book checkout. Tuesday, music classes are on the computers and the rest of the 7th grade Reading classes are coming for book checkout. On Wednesday 6th grade Reading classes will vote online for the 2013 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book award through the IMC automations system. Starting Wednesday and continuing through Friday some of the 7th grade Language Arts are also using the computers. Thursday, an online student survey will be done during PE classes while advanced 8th grade Reading classes will be checking out books. And finally on Friday, Health classes will be on the computers and 6th grade Reading classes will be in for a booktalk and book checkout. That's a pretty typical week for the IMC at this time of year.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Next week the 8th grade Language Arts classes will continue working on their persuasive speech research in the IMC using the Reference tables and the computers.

Coming in two weeks is the 6th grade voting for the 2013 Rebecca Caudill Young Reader Book Award. Voting will be done online using the library automation system online catalog, O.P.A.C. I will have our local results by the end of school on Thursday, February 28th, when I will send them to the state committee. The announcement of the official winner comes in early March. Then we will compare our local results with the official state vote.

Friday, February 8, 2013


The IMC computers are in the hands of the 8th grade next week. Monday through Wednesday 8th grade Social Studies will be using them. Then Thursday and Friday 8th grade Language Arts takes over to pursue their persuasive speech research. The last three days of this week 8th grade LA classes have been doing an online research survey on 3 possible topics for their speeches to find what information is available. After counseling with the teacher early next week students will settle on one topic for their speech.

Friday, February 1, 2013


The long week of research for 8th grade social studies classes is over. I must compliment the majority of students who used their time wisely, asked for assistance when they needed it, and met their class requirements today. Unfortunately there were a few students who came up short today and will have to work over the weekend or on their own time next week. Starting Monday the students will work in groups determined by political philosophy to prepare a project presenting what they have learned. So the IMC goes from a research facility to a production facility.

Many classes came this week for book checkout. Half of the 8th grade selected Accelerated Reader fiction. The Advanced 7th grade classes selected Holocaust or related fiction. The other 7th grade classes selected biographies or autobiographies. Next week the advanced 8th grade classes will select Accelerated Reader fiction with a book talk. And 6th grade classes will be selected their third (or fourth or fifth or...) 2013 Caudill nominee. When they finish reading a third Caudill nominee they will be eligible to vote for the 2013 Caudill Award. Voting will take place near the end of February online using an aspect of the IMC's automation program.

Friday, January 25, 2013


This past week saw a variety of classes in the IMC using the computers ending with the beginning of the 8th grade Political Spectrum project. I presented the 8th grade Social Studies classes with a Road Map for Research progressing from a general encyclopedia to a book search on the I.P.A.C. to online databases for reference materials and magazines and newspapers to a general Internet search. Each stop on the Road Map builds the student's knowledge about their topics.
Next week the 8th grade Social Studies classes continue their research. Miss Trefonas's 5th grade class will come for another visit consisting of a Research Road Map presentation and book checkout. Also 7th and 8th grade Language Arts classes come in Wednesday and Friday for book checkout. A busy week ahead!

Friday, January 11, 2013


On Monday, our first day back after winter break, book check-outs were planned for all of 7th grade and a third or 8th grade. I guess teachers wanted to be sure students had a silent reading book at hand for MAP testing. For the 8th grade advanced LA classes I had the opportunity to booktalk several titles that I thought they would like. There is such a wealth of great novels available to young adults these days that I had a hard time limiting myself.
Now the rest of the week students have been engaged in MAP testing as well as other benchmarking tests. The IMC handles MAP testing for all absent students and for students who need more time as this is not a timed test. Scheduling, gathering students, and keeping track of who has finished has been keeping us quite busy. After we finish all the testing next week, the IMC will go back to being a library again.