The IMC had another busy week and next week is more of the same. This past Thursday I gave an introduction to research for the 8th grade Language Arts classes as they prepare to begin research for their persuasive speeches. Students took notes as I described a road map for research which begins with an encyclopedia, follows through an IPAC keyword search for books in the IMC, then a reference search using the Gale Virtual Reference Library (an online database shared with us from Downers South High School), on to magazine and newspaper online database, and a folder of links to websites that I think are most helpful. Students were given all the necessary login and password information so they can work from school or from home and where all the links are located (most on the Lakeview Library webpage). I also reviewed how to collect bibliographic information from the various media to use in our free online bibliography maker, NoodleBib.
Next week the 8th graders will research in the IMC Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Thursday 7th grade Social Studies classes will be using the IMC computers for their Constitution test. And on Friday 7th grade Language Arts classes will be checking out books for a new book report.