On Monday, I will prepare the 8th grade social studies classes for a research project called Political Spectrum. Students will be researching various political viewpoints and the people who supported those viewpoints. As an introduction students will receive a "road map" outlining what resources are available at Lakeview that will help them with this project. We will also take a look at several online resources -- subscription database for reference books and magazines/newspapers. If students follow my road map their research will be smooth and easy.
Also on Monday several 7th grade Reading classes will come to checkout books for their next book report. Since they have free choice of any grade appropriate fiction, there are hundreds of possibilities. I will st up several table displays for some of my favorite choices.
And following up on the Rebecca Caudill presentation this week, there are an eager bunch of 6th graders digging into the 2012 Caudill nominees. Mrs. Wilson, our library aide, reported seeing many students avidly reading their books this morning before school.