Friday, September 27, 2013


You need a library card to check out materials from the Lakeview IMC. Fortunately the IMC staff has added your library barcode to the back of your student ID card. So now your student ID card is also your library card. Be sure to bring your student ID card with you whenever you come to the IMC. You never know when an IMC book will catch your eye and you will want to check it out.
ID cards have been delivered to ELA classes for all students who had their school picture taken already. Picture retakes are this coming Monday, September 30th. When those student ID cards are delivered in about 2-3 weeks, the IMC staff will add library barcodes for these new ID cards. If you do not get a school picture taken, please see Mrs. Wilson about getting a library card to use.

If you ever lose your ID/library card, stop by in the IMC and ask if we found it or it was returned to us. The IMC staff often has a collection of ID cards that were found.

Friday, September 20, 2013


It has been a satisfying week operating as a library again. We are open before school now Tuesday through Friday at 7:35 AM until the start of first period. Students just need to get a an IMC Before School pass from the gym. They sign in at the main IMC desk and go about their library business. They can use the computers for school work, study for a test, check their math homework with a friend (No copying allowed!), check out a book, read a daily newspaper (We get the Tribune, Sun-Times, and USA Today.), and so on. There are total of 40 passes for the morning crowd. If a student finishes early, they are asked to take a pass to the gym and let someone else have a turn in the IMC. Maybe it is the pressure of being prepared to the day's classes, but I would say the students who use the IMC before school are the most focused visitors we have all day.

The biggest question this week has been "Are the ID cards ready yet?" The answer is almost. Mrs. Wilson has been working very hard this week to print and attach the library barcode to the back of each ID card so students can use their ID card to check out books. She is almost finished. ID cards should be distributed early next week through the ELA classes.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Beginning Monday, September 16th the IMC is a library again and open for full service. Well, almost back because the IMC is closed on Monday at study for Aimsweb make-up tests and closed Wednesday before school for the monthly IMC Staff meeting. But other than those two days we are ready to be a library and not a testing center again.

This past week even with testing continuing all grades came to the IMC in the ELA classes for IMC Orientation and first book check-out. It was fun to see the students eager select books for their first book report sharing favorites with their friends.

Reservations to use the IMC are slow right now, but I know things will pick up very soon now that we are back in the library business. Next week 7th grade ELA (English/Language Arts) has reserved the IMC computers for Thursday. 7th grade Social Studies continues to use the laptop for their Quest Project.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Welcome back after what I hope was a great summer vacation. The IMC has a late opening this year because of the testing -- MAPs and Aimsweb -- that are taking place during the weeks of September 3rd and 9th. Fortunately we were able to find three days next week so that all grades can come to the IMC for book check-out. 8th grade will be in Monday, 6th grade on Wednesday, and 7th grade on Friday. I will present a short IMC orientation program (review for 7th and 8th grade). Then I will book talk several books that fit the theme your teachers have given me. Then you have the opportunity to make your selection for your first book report of the year. After you find, have approved, and check out your book report book, you are welcome to select other books that you have been waiting to read.
There is still time to turn in Reading Logs of your summer reading and get prizes. With the delayed IMC opening, I couldn't hold to the day after Labor Day due date. But September 13th is the absolute last turn in day.
We would also like you to return any summer checkouts before we have to print overdue notices. Please check carefully at home that you didn't forget to return any.

I look forward to seeing all of you next week. The IMC will open for full service on Monday, September 16th.