Friday, December 20, 2013


Winter MAPs testing is over. The 6th graders have a 2014 Caulll nominee checked out. And everyone is enjoying a pre-Winter Break Special Event this afternoon. Now is the time to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season. See you in the New Year.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Today the 6th grade ELA classes were scheduled to visit the IMC for my book talk on the 2014 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award nominees. I had planned to have student assistants work the reveal boxes on the Mimio display as I presented each book with information on the main characters, story summary, genres, and book cover. Then students would select their first Caudill nominee for their next book report. Unfortunately when I went to set up the equipment this morning, the laptop computer would not connect to the LCD projector. That meant I had to move the presentation to the classrooms where I had not tried the equipment. The presentation went on but without the student assistant part since the classroom Mimio setups had their own problems. So I got the reveal job. Fortunately the nominees this year were so good that the students got very excited about the choices and stayed focus through the entire book talk. The rush to check out showed their enthusiasm for the books. The students will need to read or listen to at least three nominated books to be eligible to vote in February. Voting will be done on computer using the library automation voting program. With such great books this year it may be difficult for one book to rise to the top here at Lakeview and across the state of Illinois. For a complete list of the 2014 nominees use the following Internet link:

Friday, December 6, 2013


It's time once again to introduce the 6th grade to the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award and the 20 nominees for 2014. On Friday, December 13th, the 6th grade ELA classes will come to the IMC for a presentation including how the Caudill program works, a book talk of the nominees, and how to make your own reserves online. Having just finished reading all 20 nominees, I have to say that this is another list of great books. From fantasy to realistic fiction to historical fiction and a few nonfiction titles as well, there is something for everyone. In order to be eligible to vote in this statewide program, 6th grade students will choose books for their next three book reports from the 2014 Caudill nominee list. They will also take an online quiz for each book report. The Master List of nominees can be found at