Since last Friday students have been taking their Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests for math, language usage, and reading in the IMC. Mrs. Wilson and I set up each computer with the proper test and student login. Students come with their math or LA/reading classes for the tests. Mrs. Wilson and I keep track of students who do not complete a test within their class period and Mrs. Liles arranges for more time. The MAP tests are not timed so students may have as much time as they need. Many of our students finish their tests within the class period or with one extra session. During this testing time the IMC is closed to all other business, so it has felt very strange for us librarians. This past Wednesday was an early dismissal day so the IMC was open for regular business as no testing was scheduled. We librarians really enjoyed a return to normal.
Next week is also a MAP testing so the IMC is closed except for Monday when no testing is scheduled due to the Red Ribbon Week assembly. MAP testing is scheduled to end on October 29th. The IMC will resume its regular schedule in November. The nice feature of this testing week for us is that while the students are testing, we have the opportunity to work on new books. Please check my other blog, What's New on the Book Shelves," to see what new books are now ready for checkout.