Voting for the 2011 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award begins next Tuesday and continues throughout the week. 6th graders will be voting online through the IMC automation system as we have done the past few years. 6th grade students will vote during their LA classes since they have been reading the Caudill nominees since November for book reports. 7th and 8th grade students who have read or listened to at least 3 of the nominated books will be eligible to vote as well. They will need to contact a librarian for a ballot.
From a librarian's point of view, I'm glad I am not eligible to vote. (The award is selected only by students in grades 4-8.) I found all 20 nominees to be excellent reading. I would have a very hard time choosing just one book to vote for. If you have not seen the nominee list, here is the
link. The list of nominees for 2012 is also available at this website, as well as past winners and nominees.