Monday and Tuesday were MAP testing days during the social studies classes. Thanks to the generosity of 7th & 8th grade social studies (unfortunately 6th grade social studies had plans that couldn't be changed), many of the more timers were able to finish their tests on Wednesday. Due to the music trip on Thursday and Friday additional make-up tests and more timers have been postponed to the coming week. Fortunately there is only a small number of students left to finish the final MAP testing round of this year. I believe the special conferencing and goal setting done with all students in Homebase made a great impression on the students. They took their time with the MAP tests and really worked hard. Teachers in Reading and Math will have a very good look at student abilities based on this round of testing.
Coming up next week, some Health and Music classes will be using the IMC computers Monday through Wednesday. Thursday is reserved for 8th grade Language Arts. On Friday the computers are open and I will be preparing 6th graders for their Sports and Hobbies research project with an introduction to the resources available for this project both print and online