While the IMC computer lab is still busy, the rest of the IMC services are coming to an end for this school year. Today marks the end of check-out for this year.
ALL IMC MATERIALS ARE DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 25TH. A list of items not returned has to be turned over to the school office at the end of Wednesday. Please check everywhere carefully and find those items you thought you returned or have forgotten about. Remember you can log into the Lakeview I.P.A.C. online to find out what is still on your account. Use your last name and network password. If you discover a problem, let a librarian know on Monday so we have time to investiga

On Monday, May 23rd during the lunch/study periods, representatives from the public libraries will speak to 6th and 7th graders about their Summer Reading Programs. Then beginning Wednesday, I will meet with classes of 5th, 6th, and 7th graders to present the Lakeview Summer Reading Program. Prizes can be won just by reading over the summer. I'm thinking about sitting on the patio or by the pool with a good book and a tall ice tea. I hope many of you Lakeview students will join me in this activity.