Friday, October 14, 2011
The IMC announces a Halloween Trivia Contest! Answer a question -- Win a prize. There is a large can on the Fiction bookcase next to the IPAC computer that contains multiple copies
of 50 questions about Halloween. All questions (and answers) were found in World Book Online. When you have the answer written on the Trivia Card, give it to Miss Hagensee. If your answer is correct, you get to pick a prize from the Witch's Cauldron. All correct answers are kept for the Grand Prize Drawing on Halloween. Grand Prize winners will receive a special pass for the IMC Computer Games Days which begin Friday, October 21st. On Games Days you and a partner at study can play one of the exciting CD-ROM computer games in the IMC collection. New games have been added. Joining old favorites like NBA Live and other sports games, The Sims, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Battleship, many Tycoon games, and I Spy games, the IMC has added Mall of America Tycoon, Sims Carnival Bumper Blast, and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? So flex up those fingers, log on to World Book Online, and answer as many different Halloween trivia questions as you want between now and Halloween Day. For more information, ask a librarian.