Voting for the 2012 Rebecca Caudill Book Award takes place during the week of February 21st at Lakeview. 6th graders will vote online on Tuesday in their LA/Reading classes. 7th and 8th graders who qualify may vote any time during the week by seeing Miss Hagensee for a ballot. To be eligible to vote students must have read or listened to at least 3 of the 20 nominated book

s. Each student gets to vote for one and only one book -- the book they think is the best. Students do not have to have read the book they vote for. Often students will hear about a great book, but not have had a chance to read it before the voting week. Since we use a secret ballot, no one knows who voted for which book. Friday afternoon the Lakeview top 3 voter-getters will be posted Then the Lakeview tally of all votes will be sent to the state committee and by early March we should know who has won the 2012 Caudill Award.
Also next week Miss Hagensee will accept nomination suggestions from all students for the 2014 Caudill Award and pass that information on to the state committee. Nominations must have literary merit, been published within the last 5 years, be of interest to children in grades 4-8, be written by a living author, and have been read by the nominator.