students are really taking this round of MAP testing seriously! All
the teachers have been counseling students to take their time and do
their best. AND THE STUDENTS LISTENED! After the initial first 2 days
of testing over 300 students needed more time. The IMC was closed a
third day so the majority of those students would have the time they
needed. By Thursday the list of students who were absent or needed
more time was reduced to 120. So testing will continue next week
until all students have completed their reading and math tests. I
think many of the students did very on these tests because I have
seen some very happy faces and heard comments like "I scored 10
points higher" or "I beat my goal by 5 points." Well
done students!
all this testing the 6th grade Language Arts classes are researching
for their Sports & Hobbies how-to speeches. Since this is their
first big research project, I am introducing a different research
source each day and giving students a chance to work with it. This
past week we worked with books and the I.P.A.C. and World Book
Online. Next week we will work with Gale Virtual Reference Library (a
reference online database) and EBSCOhost Middle Search Plus (a
magazine and newspaper online database).