Monday, our first day back after winter break, book check-outs were
planned for all of 7th grade and a third or 8th grade. I guess
teachers wanted to be sure students had a silent reading book at hand for
MAP testing. For the 8th grade advanced LA classes I had the opportunity
to booktalk several titles that I thought they would like. There is
such a wealth of great novels available to young adults these days
that I had a hard time limiting myself.
the rest of the week students have been engaged in MAP testing as
well as other benchmarking tests. The IMC handles MAP testing for all
absent students and for students who need more time as this is not a
timed test. Scheduling, gathering students, and keeping track of who
has finished has been keeping us quite busy. After we finish all the
testing next week, the IMC will go back to being a library again.