back from Spring Break, the IMC has been a beehive of activity. Every
grade level has been in the IMC this week checking out a book report
book. I have given book talks on Accelerated Reader fiction for 6th
grade Advanced and 7th grade, on fiction about people with
disabilities for the rest of 6th grade, and books about or from the
1960s for 8th grade. In addition I presented an introduction to
research for the 7th grade advanced Persuasive essay project.
week I have an introduction to research on the Sixties Debate topics
for 8th grade and another presentation on Career Research materials
for the regular 7th grade classes. Also Miss Trefonas's 5th graders
will be visiting as well. So even though it is a very short week
(only 3 days) the IMC will be busy. On Monday there will be a
lunchtime party for the 3rd quarter IMC Club members with the IMC
providing an ice cream dessert.