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past week the 6th grade Language Arts classes began research for
their demonstration speeches. As this is their first major research
project, I presented a different resource each day to help them build
their "road to research." We started on Monday with World
Book Online because an encyclopedia give a good overview of a topic.
On Tuesday we looked at books from the IMC collection using the
I.P.A.C. and its "book bag" to get a list of possibilities.
Wednesday brought us to the Gale Virtual Reference Library, a huge
database of reference books that DGS shares with the feeder junior
high schools. On Thursday I introduced EBSCOHost, one of two
magazine/newspaper database subscriptions we have at Lakeview.
Finally on Friday, I told the 6th graders that they were ready for
Internet searching and suggested that reliable websites could be
found in World Book Online and in the bibliographies of many books in
the IMC collection. If students follow my "Road Map for
Research," they will find that they will have more than enough notes and sources for their project.