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has been an exciting week in the IMC. 6th and 7th grade ELA classes
came to the IMC for book check related to their currents units. 6th
grade is studying literature related to Family Ties and 7th grade is
studying the theme of Respect and Tolerance. For the new ELA units I
am preparing bibliographies of IMC materials that support and extend
the unit themes. Gathering materials to support curriculum is one of
the best parts of being a school librarian. I get the opportunity to
use my extensive background in young adult literature and share that
with the students. It's like finding the right piece of the puzzle to
complete the picture. Since some of the ELA units are brand new, I
now have a better idea of what kinds of books to purchase. But some
of the units are related to classroom novels that have been used in
the past for which I already have a bibliography in place. Then it's
just a matter of updating and fine tuning. I tell the students and
teachers that these bibliographies are works in progress since our
collection is always growing.