fall MAPS testing is done. The fall benchmarking in AIMSweb reading
is done. Now the IMC can return to its library business. With
everything that was happening this past week, ELA classes from all
three grades found time to come to the IMC and check out books. All
but one of the 8th grade ELA classes also had the opportunity to try my
new and improved scavenger hunt about IMC procedures. I haven't
scored the papers yet so I don't know how well they did. Special
thank-yous to Mrs. Boyer's 1st period ELA class for creating new
questions (with answers) for me. Hopefully,
very soon, 7th grade ELA classes will have their turn with the
scavenger hunt. Next week 6th grade ELA
classes will return
to the IMC for orientation so they will better
understand how the Lakeview IMC works. If all goes well, they will
have a map activity to help them learn their way around the IMC.
FORGET to return your summer paperbacks. Our racks are still pretty
empty as we wait for the last summer checkout to come in. Return them
next week and avoid having your librarians track you down and nag