#1 -- Your answers must match mine and I got all my answers from
World Book Online (login and password available in the IMC).
your completed trivia question form to me ONE QUESTION AT A TIME. I
will check for duplication, then check your answer.
You may only answer each question once for a prize.
your answer correctly matches mine (and you have filled out the form
correctly), you may pick a prize from the Witch's Cauldron. The
cauldron is full of fun Halloween stuff like glow-in-the-dark spider
web bookmarks, graveyard tattooes, pumpkin necklaces, treat-or-treat
rings, creepy crawly things, skull and crossbones pencils, and more.
6th grade has already discovered the fun of our Trivia Contest. What
they don't know is that they are practicing informational text skills
while they earn prizes. More special Halloween events coming soon!