We also have
lots of book checkout – 6th graders got books with a courageous
character for their unit, 7th graders got books about respect and
tolerance (fiction or nonfiction), regular 8th grade classes choose
ReadnQuiz books, and advanced 8th grade classes choose mysteries.
I have also
been visiting classrooms where new technology programs are being used like
Google Classroom, Glogster, Geometer’s Sketchpad, and Nearpod. This has led up
to my creating Google Classrooms for 6th and 7th grade
students. In 7th grade the students accessed, filled out, and shared
with me a graphic organizer about Novelist which we used to assist with their
respect/tolerance book selection. 6th grade students viewed and
responded with first impressions to the 2015 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book
Award nominees using Nearpod (program which combines a PowerPoint presentation
with survey responses). I used the presentation prepared by the Caudill
committee and inserted 4 responses for each book – basically Yes, Maybe, No,
and Already Read. The 6th graders seemed to enjoy filling in the
survey after I book talked each book.