Friday, February 22, 2013


The 8th grade projects have wrapped up their IMC use and now the other grades return. On Monday 6th grade Social Studies is using IMC computers and Reference tables while the advanced 7th grade Reading classes are coming for a booktalk and book checkout. Tuesday, music classes are on the computers and the rest of the 7th grade Reading classes are coming for book checkout. On Wednesday 6th grade Reading classes will vote online for the 2013 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book award through the IMC automations system. Starting Wednesday and continuing through Friday some of the 7th grade Language Arts are also using the computers. Thursday, an online student survey will be done during PE classes while advanced 8th grade Reading classes will be checking out books. And finally on Friday, Health classes will be on the computers and 6th grade Reading classes will be in for a booktalk and book checkout. That's a pretty typical week for the IMC at this time of year.