long week of research for 8th grade social studies classes is over. I
must compliment the majority of students who used their time wisely,
asked for assistance when they needed it, and met their class
requirements today. Unfortunately there were a few students who came
up short today and will have to work over the weekend or on their own
time next week. Starting Monday the students will work in groups
determined by political philosophy to prepare a project presenting
what they have learned. So the IMC goes from a research facility to a
production facility.
Many classes came this week for book checkout. Half of the 8th grade selected Accelerated Reader fiction. The Advanced 7th grade classes selected Holocaust or related fiction. The other 7th grade classes selected biographies or autobiographies. Next week the advanced 8th grade classes will select Accelerated Reader fiction with a book talk. And 6th grade classes will be selected their third (or fourth or fifth or...) 2013 Caudill nominee. When they finish reading a third Caudill nominee they will be eligible to vote for the 2013 Caudill Award. Voting will take place near the end of February online using an aspect of the IMC's automation program.