Friday, April 27, 2012


The final round of MAP testing begins on Monday, April 30th with the Reading test. Tuesday, May 1st is the Math test. Wednesday, May 2nd is Make-up Day. During all those three days the IMC is closed since it is being used as one of the three testing sites. The IMC will be open at study for students those days, but not before school.

Starting Thursday, the 6th graders begin their research for their upcoming speech. Since this is their first big research project, I will introduce students to a different type of resource each day and show them how they can build their knowledge based on each resource.

Friday, April 20, 2012


It seems that social studies classes are dominating the IMC computers next week. On Monday and Tuesday 6th grade social classes have reserved the computers along with some of Mrs. Conley's health classes. On Tuesday the 7th grade social studies classes are using laptops and then on Wednesday and Thursday they are using IMC computers. On Friday the 6th grade language arts classes have computers. Tucked in between the 6th grade language arts classes have a mini research project to gain practice in taking notes, researching from print books, and filling out book bibliography worksheets. Soon they will be researching using print and online materials for a major project.

Friday, April 13, 2012


That describes the IMC this week as 7th graders were researching for their career project. It was gratifying to see some many students using Gale Virtual Reference Library, an online database that Downers Grove South shares with us, the Occupational Outlook Handbook, an online source from the federal government, and the Illinois Career Resource Network, a web site providing information about jobs and careers in Illinois. These are all sources that I introduced and recommended to students.

In the week ahead we are expecting Consumer Ed. classes on Monday and Tuesday for computers. Then 7th grade language arts classes return to use the computers for their career speech outlines, bibliographies, and visual aids. Laptops will be used in some 7th grade math classes on Monday. And then in 6th grade health classes Monday through Thursday. On Friday 6th graders come for book checkout. While the IMC will be busy, there should be some quiet times when Mrs. Wilson and I can finish working on the new books started by our two wonderful adult volunteers, Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Chen.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Starting this week the 7th graders are taking over the researching. The project is career speeches. Students have taken an online survey of aptitudes and interests related to careers. Then they selected 3 possibilities for research. Language arts teachers made the final selection to avoid duplication. This past Wednesday I presented the Road Map for Research for this project and students received a copy with all necessary login/password information. Students began their research this week and it continues through next week. We have a wealth of print and online resources for the project, but the public libraries have also been notified.
Other activities next week include: laptops for 7th grade social studies on Tuesday and 7th grade math on Friday; 7th grade book checkout Monday; and 6th grade social studies is using some of the tables next Thursday and Friday.