Friday, April 26, 2013


Next week the IMC is closed for MAP testing, the last round for this year. The IMC will not be open before school or during study all week. There are a few periods on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday when the IMC will be open because there are no MAP tests during those periods. Please check the sign on the IMC door each day for openings and closings.

Because of the testing next week, I think almost every Reading class come to the IMC today to get a book report book. Fortunately we have a lot great suggestions for students. I saw many excellent choices being checked out.

Friday, April 19, 2013


This past week the IMC and the Computer Lab have been utilized for research. 8th grade Language Arts students are investigating the 1960s for their upcoming debates. 7th grade LA Advanced classes are researching controversial topics for persuasive speeches. 7th grade regular LA classes are delving into the world of careers for their speeches. Next week sees IMC computer use by 7th grade LA advanced, 6th grade Social Studies, Consumer Education, and 6th grade regular LA classes.

Heads up -- the Spring MAPS testing will take place from April 29th through May 10. There is a new schedule being piloted this time so only the IMC computers and the Computer Lab are being used. Students will have 2 periods for each test. Hopefully this will reduce the number of students who must be taken from other classes to finish or make up these important tests.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Coming back from Spring Break, the IMC has been a beehive of activity. Every grade level has been in the IMC this week checking out a book report book. I have given book talks on Accelerated Reader fiction for 6th grade Advanced and 7th grade, on fiction about people with disabilities for the rest of 6th grade, and books about or from the 1960s for 8th grade. In addition I presented an introduction to research for the 7th grade advanced Persuasive essay project.
Next week I have an introduction to research on the Sixties Debate topics for 8th grade and another presentation on Career Research materials for the regular 7th grade classes. Also Miss Trefonas's 5th graders will be visiting as well. So even though it is a very short week (only 3 days) the IMC will be busy. On Monday there will be a lunchtime party for the 3rd quarter IMC Club members with the IMC providing an ice cream dessert.