Friday, May 24, 2013


Next week I start talking to grades 5, 6 and 7 about our Summer Reading Program - Catch the Reading Bug. Knowing that everyone wants time for summer fun, I keep the program simple. Just fill out a Reading Log of everything you read over the summer that's longer than a cereal box. Create your own rating system. Use stars or ice cream cones or bugs to describe how well you liked the book. Turn in your reading log when you come back to school by the day after Labor Day and win prizes. It's easy! All information and form will be available on the Lakeview Library webpage beginning June 1st.
To help students get started, everyone is invited to check out up to 5 paperback books for the entire summer!. These books are not due until September 3rd (the day after Labor Day). The IMC has a huge paperback collection due to many donations and to our participation in the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award Program. There are many multiple copy titles, so friends can enjoy the same book and discuss it over the summer. If students want to return books early, there will be a box between the front doors. When I come in during the summer I will check in any returned books so they will be off the student's record. This is a great way to enjoy books missed during the school year and keep reading. Sooooooo CATCH THE READING BUG and have a fun-filled summer!