Friday, May 16, 2014


Now that the benchmark testing is done, the IMC is preparing for the end of the school year. All IMC materials are due on Friday, May 23rd. (The only exception are the paperbacks checked out by 6th grade for their final book report.) During the week of May 27th, the IMC will conduct an inventory of all its materials. Based on the results of this inventory certain items may need to be replaced or re-purchased next year. Then beginning June 2nd the IMC proudly announces its Summer Reading Program and Paperback Book Checkout. Students are encouraged to keep a reading log (form provided) of everything they read this summer and return the log to Miss Hagensee in the fall for prizes. To get students started the IMC allows students to check out up to 5 paperback books for the entire summer with these books being due after Labor Day. These summer programs are open to all current 7th, 6th, and 5th grade students. All ELA classes for these grades will be invited to a presentation and checkout time in the first week of June.