Friday, March 13, 2015


for this session. There are only a few makeup tests to do next week. PARCC testing will return in May for End-of-the-Year tests. That means that Lakeview and the IMC will get back to normal. Already the 8th grade ELA classes have signed up for book checkout next Friday. I expect other grades to follow shortly. Fortunately I was able to get a good number of new books ready for checkout and many of them have RQ (ReadnQuiz) tests.

There are also several interesting book displays in the IMC right now. In honor of Women’s History Month, we have  HIS-Story and a HER-Story display for the men and women of our country’s past. To follow up on the History Fair, there is a display of Illinois books – Fact and Fiction. Finally for STEM Night there is a display for each of the letters of STEM – Scienc, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Visitors are always welcome in the IMC, especially to look at the displayed materials.