Friday, September 20, 2013


It has been a satisfying week operating as a library again. We are open before school now Tuesday through Friday at 7:35 AM until the start of first period. Students just need to get a an IMC Before School pass from the gym. They sign in at the main IMC desk and go about their library business. They can use the computers for school work, study for a test, check their math homework with a friend (No copying allowed!), check out a book, read a daily newspaper (We get the Tribune, Sun-Times, and USA Today.), and so on. There are total of 40 passes for the morning crowd. If a student finishes early, they are asked to take a pass to the gym and let someone else have a turn in the IMC. Maybe it is the pressure of being prepared to the day's classes, but I would say the students who use the IMC before school are the most focused visitors we have all day.

The biggest question this week has been "Are the ID cards ready yet?" The answer is almost. Mrs. Wilson has been working very hard this week to print and attach the library barcode to the back of each ID card so students can use their ID card to check out books. She is almost finished. ID cards should be distributed early next week through the ELA classes.