Friday, September 13, 2013


Beginning Monday, September 16th the IMC is a library again and open for full service. Well, almost back because the IMC is closed on Monday at study for Aimsweb make-up tests and closed Wednesday before school for the monthly IMC Staff meeting. But other than those two days we are ready to be a library and not a testing center again.

This past week even with testing continuing all grades came to the IMC in the ELA classes for IMC Orientation and first book check-out. It was fun to see the students eager select books for their first book report sharing favorites with their friends.

Reservations to use the IMC are slow right now, but I know things will pick up very soon now that we are back in the library business. Next week 7th grade ELA (English/Language Arts) has reserved the IMC computers for Thursday. 7th grade Social Studies continues to use the laptop for their Quest Project.