Computers were again in use all week. I had the opportunity to meet with the 6th grade language arts/reading classes to begin our introduction to Accelerated Reader, the computerized book report prog

ram we use at Lakeview. This first session concentrated on how to choose a book for an Accelerated Reader book report. Then on Friday I meet with half of the 6th grade LA/Reading classes for part 2 of the introduction. In Part 2 students learned how to log in to Accelerated Reader and how to take a quiz. Together we took the quiz for
Babe, the Gallant Pig (the basis of the movie Babe about the pig which herded sheep). Students learned that at the end of the quiz the program automatically prints a TOPS Report which is given to the teacher for a grade. After the demonstration students, on their own, took the quiz for
Taking Sides, a novel they just finished reading in class. If there was time students could take additional quizzes with the warning that once you take an AR quiz you cannot take that quiz again while you are Lakeview. 6th graders should be well prepared to take AR quizzes on their own. The other half of the 6th grade are coming next week Thursday for their AR introduction part 2.
Next week is a very short week with Columbus Day on Monday and a teachers' institute on Tuesday as days off school for students. But during that short week ahead computers will again be in use on Wednesday for 8th grade LA and on Thursday for a variety of classes including 6th grade LA/Reading, a music class, and an 8th grade LA class. The laptops will be in 7th grade science on Wednesday and Thursday also.